An epiphany!
By Jane Stevenson of Creature Comforters
By the early 1980’s I had many years experience as a Flower Essence Practitioner and was well-used to the remarkable healing properties of the remedies when used on people. However, at that point, I had little experience of using the remedies to help animals. One day my 6 year old daughter Hannah came rushing into my kitchen shouting anxiously: “Mummy, there’s a hurt bird outside”. I rushed outside to find a robin who was motionless and barely breathing. I held the poor little bird in my hands and we both watched, helplessly, it was lifeless with its neck bent and head on one side - it looked like it had a broken neck, it was barely breathing. Hannah was really upset and I felt sad that I had no means to help the bird. Then I remembered the ‘Rescue Remedy'. It was worth a try, so I put a couple of drops onto its beak. Hannah and I waited for a couple of seconds and then watched in astonishment as the bird twitched, opened its eyes, lifted its head and went "cheep" "cheep"! So we put it in a box with some hay and gave it several more doses of Rescue Remedy over the next few hours. Hannah and her sister Tara dug up some worms from the garden. Over the next week week kept it warm in the box in our sitting room and gave it food, water and Rescue Remedy every day.
I am convinced that was the same robin whom we nursed back to health. Magical!
Living deep in the Norfolk countryside we would find injured wild animals (birds, rabbits, pheasants etc) in the fields and on the lanes. And my neighbours would bring me any injured animals they found to use my ‘magic remedy’. From that day on I would always use my version of the ‘Rescue RemedyTM’; ‘Comforter Essence’ to try to help revive these animals, and, depending on the severity of the injury, it usually worked. Remarkable! Looking back I now realise that that experience with the robin was important: it made me appreciate how powerful the remedies are for helping animals, and this inspired me to specialise in flower essence therapy for animals, and some years later I formed my own company for this purpose: Creature Comforters. © Copyright 2007 |